Home News Cricket Michigan Press Release Dated as on 14th April 2014

Cricket Michigan Press Release Dated as on 14th April 2014

by Danish "Dangerous" Khan


PAT & PAL are key in running a Cricket League

CRICKET MICHIGAN’s Lactometer enables cricket stakeholders 

to work on the MILK that got mixed with WATER 

rather than the WATER that the MILK got mixed with.


With very few national stakeholders of United States Cricket questioning 

the rationale behind CRICKET MICHIGAN / MICHIGAN CRICKET ASSOCIATION / MICHIGAN CRICKET ACADEMY’s decision to affiliate with USACA as the Parent Body, CRICKET MICHIGAN’s steering committee is elated to answer the national stakeholders. CRICKET MICHIGAN would at the same time like to ask questions about PAT and PAL to those organizations who claim to be a team or league or the national organization in the territory of the United States operating the game of Cricket in one form or the other.


The thought that a cricket team just needs 15 players is the biggest short sighted vision a cricket / team administrator can ever have.


For a Cricket League to be run successfully

 there must be cricket tournaments in various formats of the game, ranging from 20 overs each side to One day one innings to Multiday per 

  • ICC – the governing body of World Cricket and/or 
  • MCC – the guardian of the laws of Cricket.

The weather constraints, support issues, local interest level and social grouping skills have forced Cricket Administrators in the territory of the United States to present innovative / modified version of the game, promoted internationally, to play here. A few of them being

  • 15 overs a side game in a indoor (golf) dome with Indoor Cricket Ball
  • 20 Overs a side game played with soft baseball in a baseball diamond (with or without lights)
  • 5 / 10 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 40 / 45 overs a side game played on an astroturfed Concrete Wicket pitch (with or without lights)
  • Tournaments, open to all,  with a committed Prize Money that are most of the times scaled down up to 40% of the initial amount announced.


Real Time Definitions

PAT (Properly Administered Team) is a registered organization profit or non-profit with the states they are operated in the Union of United States, possesses a FEIN with the IRS and has a minimum of 15 players who can represent the team per the MCC’s laws of Cricket in a cricket game.
PAL (Properly Administered League) 

is a registered organization profit or non-profit with the states they are operated in the Union of United States, possesses a FEIN with the IRS and has properly administered teams (PAT) playing in the League’s tournaments per MCC’s laws of Cricket.



few factors that brings disrepute to this wonderful game include


  • No importance given to the enforcement of uniform to play the game
  • No proper exposure / opportunities given to young men and women
  • No proper approval to conduct these modified versions from ICC and/or USACA – the parent body (recognized as of this time by the International Cricket Council)
  • No proper permissions for the celebrity / representative cricketers from either their respective organizations or the ICC full member , associate member or affiliate member they belong to
  • No registration of the club or the league with the state in the union of the United States they are operated in and
  • No accounting at a team or league level for the money / finances handledto report back to the Internal Revenue Services
CRICKET MICHIGAN requests answers from the teams and leagues that existed or exist or will exist before questioning the choice of an organization’s support to a national body

  • Should a team be restricted to only cricket players? Especially in the US where skills from similar sport can be leveraged
  • What is the average age of a player in a Cricket team?
  • Does a Cricket team require an administrative constitution?
  • Should proper infrastructure (grounds) be installed for playing cricket by the Cricket league?
  • Should umpires / scorers / other match officials be considered by cricket leagues as necessary ingredients of the game?
  • Should there be two umpires in a cricket game?
  • Should players umpire their own games or for a game played by a fellow team?
  • Should there be a 12th man in the cricket game?
  • Should there be a plan to include and accommodate young cricketers, men & women?
  • Should there be accountability (Administrative, Ethical and Financial) at the league level to the Cricket teams?
  • What should be the mode of payment to the Cricket League from the Team – cash, personal check or team (organizational) check?

It is interesting to note that

  • There was a major change in the US Cricket administration to adopt a new constitution changing the powers from the PAT to PAL and electing the 2008 administrative board. None of these PATs or PALs have ever spoken on that constitutional change.
  • There has never been any annual general membership proposal to change the constitution, but have decided to step away from the general membership instead because they were designated to a non-PAT or non-PAL category.

Past experiences show that those who have decided to leave the system, talk to the ICC only as a vertically split group, drag the progress of US Cricket made to the Stone Ages. This attrition later merge back with USACA to run the Administration and redo the same work again.


With 50+ years history of United States Cricket,

  • how far does the US Cricket have to go back in time after being talked about as the world’s second best cricket market?
  • Is there a proof for the 25000 cricketers playing on any given weekend ?

That means, US Cricket, to host such cricket games, must have a minimum of 

  • o 1000+ qualified umpires and 
  • o 500+ venues

It can be understood now that PAT & PAL should play a key role in a Cricket League and be a significant factor to be pursued.

Knowing the fact that ICC, the governing body for 100+ countries, gets to influence the course of any cricket organization in the world  

as well as CRICKET MICHIGAN’s affiliation. CRICKET MICHIGAN shall work with the current parent body for US Cricket, USACA unless and until there is a situation where ICC declares a new parent body, a hypothesis on propaganda by stakeholders from the other organizations here in USA claiming to be the new governing body for cricket in the United States. CRICKET MICHIGAN does not have any patriotism with individuals / organizations, but only cricket


Let us remember Walt Disney for saying 

We don’t make movies to make money, we make money to make more movies


CRICKET MICHIGAN is here to change the generic US cricket slogan 

from “pay to play” to “paid to play” 

with “no cricketer left behind” and 

shall make earnest efforts 

to create a “Properly Administered” platform to run cricket 

in the territory of the United States and in particular the State of Michigan


with a final appeal to all the cricket stakeholders of US Cricket to work on a common goal of “PROPERLY ADMINISTERED CRICKET” under the auspicious belt of ICC.

Please feel free to email your questions, suggestions  

with Subject “Properly Administered Cricket”  to pac@michiganscricket.org



Our website http://www.michiganscricket.org/ is being re-engineered for latest information. For further expedited details, please by emailcontact@michiganscricket.org



Michigan Cricket Board Members have already assisted individuals / teams to adapt / adopt the new process, unique of its kind, and are more than happy to assist new teams in case of required help over understanding any of the criteria listed en-route to becoming a civilized corporate citizen



Please visit 



In the transition trail of amateur to professional cricket, Cricket Michigan’s founders are cricket benefactors and promoters having an unique background to this new venture promoting proper / genuine cricket for cricketers / cricket lovers.


CRICKET MICHIGAN / Michigan Cricket Association / Michigan Cricket Academy / MICHCA , a premier Organization to serve Michigan’s Cricket in and around the Great Lakes Region, is happy to unveil the overwhelming response from the cricketing community as always. Thank you.


Michigan Cricket Association is a duly registered Domestic Non Profit corporation with the State of Michigan /  IRS on 6th of March 2013  and in the process of 501(c)(3) organizing exclusively charitable, and educational within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law, and more particularly to promote recreational programs, particular sporting [cricket] activities, and associated clubs, schools and municipalities.



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Call for nominations



The All New CRICKET MICHIGAN’s THE HALL OF FAME has five categories to be awarded in this year and each winner shall automatically be considered for the life time achievement award in that category.



  1. 1.     Best Junior Cricket Initiative
  2. 2.     Best Youth Cricket Initiative
  3. 3.     Best Club Cricket Initiative 
  4. 4.     Best Women’s Cricket Initiative
  5. 5.     Service to Cricket Award

The Michigan Cricket Board, with members having a high profile in cricket, shall judge the Nominations to the awards.


All Nominations should reach email awards@michiganscricket.org with subject “Cricket AWARDS”. 

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