Home News Fastest bowler of Applied informatics Solutions Pvt Ltd

Fastest bowler of Applied informatics Solutions Pvt Ltd

by Danish "Dangerous" Khan
The fastest bowler contest was held during lunch time on the gali road leading to our office.
Bushnell speed gun was used to measure the speed of the players.
The ball used for fastest bowler contest in Applied informatics Solutions Pvt Ltd.

The ball used for fastest bowler contest in Applied informatics Solutions Pvt Ltd.

SG enduralite soft tennis ball was used for this contest, the picture of the ball is given below
The result are as under
First Position goes to Mr. Yaseen Dar with the speed of 116 Kilometer per hour.
Second Position goes to Mr. Zahid Ajaz with the speed of 106 Kilometer per hour.
Third Position goes to Mr. Sahid Ashraf with the speed of 103 Kilometer per hour.
Videos of the fastest bowler contest is as under
Mr. Yasseen Dar 116 KMP http://youtu.be/JUHg5dI4lI0
Mr. Zahid Ajaz 106 KMP http://youtu.be/SGTz8uTnaww
Mr. Danish 87 KMP http://youtu.be/e7dwtJ6xFoQ
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1 comment

Dan the Dangerous March 31, 2014 - 10:13 am

Will break his record in next 10 days.

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