Tournament : M A Fateh Khan and Ali Abbas Khan Memorial cricket tournament 2013
Venue : Domat cricket ground. Tariya Sujan, Khushi Nagar Uttar Pradesh.
Date : 25th Feb 2013.
Teams : Youth cricket club Dudhai, Uttar Pradesh Vs Jalalpur cricket club, Bihar
Winning Team : Jalalpur cricket club
Man of The match : Vinod : Player of the tournament : Imran Khan : Best Bowler : Sandeep Kumar : Best Bastman : Danish
Chief Guest : Dr. P. K Rai EX MLA SP, Haji Er. Wakil Ahmad Khan (Technical Head Patna), Haji Ayub Khan, Haji Sajid Khan, Meraj Khan,
Organizing committee: From Danish Ahmad Khan, Dilshad Ahmad, Asad Raza Khan, Mera Khan, Arif Khan, Munna, Bhola, and Anuj
From Pathan cricket club, Pathani tola, Tariya sujan: Entire Pathan cricket club. Member list is as under.
1. Aslam Khan : 2. Saif Ali Khan : 3. Suhaib Khan : 4. Afroz Khan : 5. Alamgir Khan : 6. Aarookh Khan : 7. Raza Khan : 8. Tanveer Khan
9. Babloo Khan : 10. Nasrulllah Khan : 11. Shabuddin Khan : 12. Murad Khan : 13. Bassuddin Khan: 14. Salahuddin Khan.
Pics of the final match is as under.

More pics of Morning before the final match.

Chief Guest Dr. P.K. Rai EX MLA on ground to meet players.

Chief Guest meeting the player during the final match.

Females also enjoying the match as spectators.

More pics of Final match of the tournament.

More pics of final match.

Prize distribution of the final match.

More pics of Prize distribution of final match.